7 Long weekends for 2020 : Public Holidays in Singapore - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

7 Long weekends for 2020 : Public Holidays in Singapore

Need a Break?

There are a total of 7 long weekends for 2020. 
Time to start planning your leave now.

Source: CNA
Jan  25-27        : Chinese New Year
April 10-12      :  Good Friday
May 1-3           : Labour Day
May 23-25       : Hari Raya Puasa
July 31-Aug 2  : Hari Raya Haji
Aug 8- Aug 10 : National Day
Dec 25 -27       : Christmas Day

Need a short getaway idea.
Here are some holiday ideas for you to consider. Click on the link for reviews.

All-inclusive Holidays

Short Day Trips

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