PSLE Cut Off Point (COP) Express Secondary School Guide 2019/2020 - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

PSLE Cut Off Point (COP) Express Secondary School Guide 2019/2020

With the examinations out of the way, the next thing for one to plan is which Secondary School to choose.

Other than the cut-off point, there are several other factors to consider when choosing a Secondary school. You would have to consider location and travelling time to the new school, the school's environment and child's interest.

To aid parents and child with the selection process, we had created this guide. With this guide, you will have the COP for each school, the median of the students who applied, the location, the type of school ( IP, SAP, Autonomous) as well as JC affiliation. This would be handy as a guide to choosing the best school base on the child's ability as well as the location suitability. In addition, we had created schools' locations map base on the cut-off points to help you choose the schools around your location base on the PSLE scores.

UPDATE 2020 OFFICIAL COP can be found here

PSLE COP > 250

PSLE COP 250 Location Map

PSLE COP 240-249

PSLE COP 240-249 Location Map

PSLE COP 230-239

PSLE COP 230-239 Location Map

PSLE COP 220-229

PSLE 220-229 Location Map

PSLE COP 200-219

PSLE 200-219 Location Map

PSLE COP 188-199

PSLE 188 -199 Location Map

*The COP are obtained from MOE Website. For the latest COP, do refer to MOE for confirmation.

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Full list of cut off point for Express, Normal ( Academic) and Normal Technical

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Complete list of PSLE affiliated school and the COP for affiliated schools

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For more information on Secondary School Posting, you can download the Choosing Your Secondary School 2019 guide from MOE here.

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Figures were obtained from MOE website. For the latest and accurate figures, do check at the website for individual schools. TWD is not responsible for any consequences as a result of any error in this post.

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