March COVID-19 Imported Cases : Who Are They? What Happen Next? - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

March COVID-19 Imported Cases : Who Are They? What Happen Next?

The Imported Cases for COVID-19 started coming in waves since March 5.

What are Imported Cases?
Imported cases are defined as cases that the origin of infection is from overseas. They do not refer to New visitors only and includes Singapore Residents returning from an overseas trip.

Why it matters?
During the initial stage of COVID-19, imported cases were from Wuhan. That had stopped since Jan 31, with a handful of cases reported in Feb due to evacuation of Singaporeans from Wuhan.

Until March 5, there had been no reported case of imported cases. Since then over the past 12 days, we had experienced a big spike in Imported Cases with more than 75 cases reports as of March 17. Before you start pointing fingers to new visitors and clamoured for lockdown in Singapore, the majority of the imported cases are our own Singapore Residents, in particular, Singapore Citizens that form over 40% of the group

This being the March school holidays, we had also seen parents insisting on travel with kids. To us, this is not considered ESSENTIAL in any way or form.

Essential Reading:4 Waves of Infection

The following groups of Residents were reported as Imported Cases

Singapore Citizens comprise over 40% of the group with a total of 32.  This includes 4 RASF on official duties and 5 from the Malaysia Religious Gathering. The majority of the imported are from Europe with most starting their travel in March where there are more than 2000 cases reported in Italy. In addition, airlines had also provided free rebooking during this period. Thus these travel could have been avoided.

The government had recognised the risk of this group and had imposed non-essential travel restrictions to curb unnecessary travels overseas

Read : Non-Essential Travel Restrictions

Essential Reading : Singapore Airlines to waive rebooking fees

Official Duty (RASF)

1 Case 165: Male 30 Singapore Citizen
Arrival Date: March 7                
Work:  RSAF
Others:: Been in France Feb 15 to March 7 (Offical Duty)

2 Case  169 Male 40 Singapore Citizen
Arrival Date: March 7              
Date of Symptoms:  March 9
Work:  RSAF
Others France 15 Feb to 7 March (Official Duty)

3 Case  173 Male 31 Singapore Citizen
Arrival Date: March 7              
Work:  RSAF
Others: France 15 Feb to 7 March (Official Duty)

4 Case 175 Male 44 Singapore Citizen
Arrival Date: March 7              
Date of Symptoms: March 10
Work:  RSAF

Others: France 15 Feb to 7 March (Official Duty)

Malaysia Religious Gathering

5 Case 183 Male 29 Singapore Citizen 

Arrival Date:  March 4         

Date of Symptoms:  March 6

Others: Malaysia Mass Religious Gathering

6 Case 187 Male 48 Singapore Citizen 
Arrival Date:  March 2       
Date of Symptoms:  March 4
Others: Malaysia Mass Religious Gathering

7 Case 197 Male 30 Singapore Citizen 
Arrival Date:  March 2       

Others: Malaysia Mass Religious Gathering

8 Case 199 Male 37 Singapore Citizen 
Arrival Date:  March 2       
Date of Symptoms:  March 3
Others: Malaysia Mass Religious Gathering

9 Case 202 Male Singapore Citizen
Arrival Date: March 3           
Date of Symptoms: March 3
Others: Malaysia Mass Religious Gathering


10 Case 123: Male 47 Singapore Citizen

Arrival Date: Feb 24                
Date of Symptoms:  Feb 27
Work:   Singapore Airline
Others: South Africa 14-17 Feb, France 22-24 Feb

11 Case  171 Male 27 Singapore Citizen
Arrival Date: March 6                 
Date of Symptoms:  March 9
Others: France Feb 25- March1, Spain March 1- March 6

12 Case  177 Male 26 Singapore Citizen
Arrival Date:  March 7                
Date of Symptoms: March 9  
Others: UK Feb 28 - March 1, France March 2-March 7

13 Case 207 Female 40 Singapore Citizen
Arrival Date: March 11
Others: UK March 6-11

14 Case 216 Male 30 Singapore Citizen
Arrival Date: March 6   
Date of Symptoms: March 9    
Others: Germany Feb 29-Mar 1, 5-6. The Czech Republic March 1 to March 5

15 Case 227 Male 53 Singapore Citizen
Arrival Date: NA                 
Others: France March 7-12

16 Case 230 Female 38 Singapore Citizen
Arrival Date: March14     
Date of Symptoms:  March 14
Others: Eastern Europe March 3-14

17 Case 243 Male 36  Singapore Citizen
Arrival Date:  March 14    
Date of Symptoms:  March 11
Others: Germany Feb 26-28, Italy Feb 29- March 7, Switzerland March 7-14

18 Case 244 Male 53 Singapore Citizen
Arrival Date: March 14                
Date of Symptoms: March7
Others: Germany Feb 26-Feb 29, Italy Feb 29- March 7, Switzerland March 7-14

19 Case 247 Male 41 Singapore Citizen

Arrival Date: March 12

Date of Symptoms:  March 16

Others: UK March 5-8, 10-12, France 8-10

20 Case 263 Female 52 Singapore Citizen
Arrival Date:  March 9   
Others: Spain March 6-8,9-12, Portugal March 8-9

21 Case 265 Female 25 Singapore Citizen

Others UK March 6-14

22 Case 266 Male 63  Singapore Citizen
Arrival Date:  March 14    
Others: Spain March 6-8,9-12, Portugal March 8-9

23 Case 253 Male 25 Singapore Citizen

Arrival Date: March 16            
Others: Spain Feb 12- March 16

24 Case 180 Male 71 Singapore Citizen 
Arrival Date: March 10             
Others: USA Feb 29 to March 10

25 Case 195 Male 47 Singapore Citizen 
Arrival Date:  March 2       
Others: US Feb 4-17, Canada Feb 17- March 9

26 Case 223 Male 60 Singapore Citizen
Arrival Date:  March 13       
Others: USA Feb 29 - March7, Australia March 7-13

27 Case 203 Female 36 Singapore Citizen
Arrival Date: March 8             
Date of Symptoms:  March 11
Others: Indonesia March 6-8

28 Case 188 Male 53 Singapore Citizen
Others: Thailand Feb 23 to March 1.

29 Case 213 Male 48 Singapore Citizen
Type of Case: Imported
Date of Symptoms:  March 8
Others: Indonesia March 4-13

30 Case 215 Male 65 Singapore Citizen
Arrival Date: March 10  
Date of Symptoms: March 13     
Others: Thailand March 7-10

31 Case 225 Male 63 Singapore Citizen 
Arrival Date:  March 7
Others: Indonesia March 3-7

32 Case 259 Female 30 Singapore Citizen
Arrival Date:  March 9   
Others: Philippines March 7-9

Singapore Work Passes (SWP)
The next biggest group affected are those on Singapore Work Passes with the majority travelling to Europe and USA. There were a few who had symptoms overseas prior to leaving for Singapore (Case 194, 241, 231,232 ) Some had symptoms for over 10 days (231,232) but still choose to return to Singapore.

33 Case 113: Male 42 French SWP
Arrival Date: March 3                 
Date of Symptoms:  March 3
Others: Visit France, Portugal and UK from Feb 9 to March 3, Visited Gleneagles

34 Case 193 Male 26 Malaysia SWP
Arrival Date: March 10                
Others: Germany March 1-3, Czech Republic March 4-6, Austria March 7-8, Hungary March 9-10

35 Case 194 Female 24 Chinese National SWP
Arrival Date: March 10           
Date of Symptoms:   March 8
Others: Germany March 1-3, Czech Republic March 4-6, Austria March 7-8, Hungary March 9-10

36 Case 255  Male 44 Swedish SWP
Arrival Date:  March 6       
Others: Norway, Denmark, Sweden March 1- March 9

37 Case 222 Male 41 French SWP
Arrival Date: March 13             
Others: France Feb 28 - March 7, March 9-10, Philippines March 12-13

38 Case 239 Male 28 British SWP
Arrival Date:  March 14   
Date of Symptoms:  March 14
Others: France March 7-14

39 Case 241 Male 28 British SWP
Arrival Date:  March 14    
Date of Symptoms:  March 11
Others: France March 7-14

40 Case 250 Male 28 Brtish SWP
Arrival Date: March 14                
Others: UK , Austria Feb 29- March 14

41 Case  231  Male 78 Australian  SWP
Arrival Date: March 4             
Date of Symptoms:  March 4
Others: US Feb 23 - March 14

42 Case 232 Female 65 Australian SWP
Arrival Date:  March 14      
Date of Symptoms:  March 2
Others: US Feb 23- March 14

43 Case 261 Male 30 American SWP
Arrival Date:  March 15
Others: US Feb 23- March 9, France March 9-15

44 Case  191 Female 24 Malaysia SWP           
Date of Symptoms:  March 9 
Work:  SQ Cabin Crew
Others: Germany Feb 24 to Feb 28, Malaysia Feb 28 to March 3, March 6-10

45 Case 178 Male 37 Filipino SWP
Others: In the Philippine from 11-19 Feb and 23Feb 02 March.  

46 Case  204 Male 32  USA SWP 
Others: Japan Feb 29 to March 8

47 Case 189 Male 36 Indian SWP
Others: India Feb 21 to March 1

A smaller group comprises of Singapore PR. Most travelled to Europe and the USA during the period of the outbreak.

48 Case 124: Female 37 Singapore PR
Arrival Date: March 5                
Date of Symptoms:  March 5
Others: Germany 27 Feb to 5 March

49 Case 132: Female 37 Singapore PR
Arrival Date: Feb 27                
Date of Symptoms:  Feb 29
Others: London Feb 23-27

50 Case 220 Male 40 Singapore PR
Others: France March 10-12

51 Case 240 Male 27 Singapore PR
Date of Symptoms:  March 14
Others: Spain March 7-14

52 Case 229 Female 65 Singapore PR
Arrival Date: March 10       
Date of Symptoms:  March 13
Others: Spain Feb 14- March 14

53 Case 254 Female 43 Singapore PR
Arrival Date:  March 2       
Others: France Feb 22- March 13


54 Case 249 Male 42 Singapore PR
Arrival Date:  March 16   
Others: US March 4-16

Singapore Long Term Pass formed the rest of the numbers for Singapore Residents. Travel history include Europe and USA

55 Case 210 Male 56 German SLTP
Arrival Date:  March 2       
Others: Feb 27 - Germany March 3, March 11-12, Switzerland March 3-March10

56 Case 205 Female 33 SLTP
Others: Philippine Feb 27 to March 6

57 Case  217  Male 22  Spanish SLTP
Arrival Date: March 13
Date of Symptoms: March 13
Others: Spain March 9-13 

58 Case 233 Male 61 Brtish SLTP
Arrival Date: March 14                
Date of Symptoms:  March 15
Others: UK March 6 to March 14

59 Case 257 Male 19 French SLTP
Arrival Date:  March 14   
Others: UK Oct16 - March 14

60 Case 206 Female 33 NZ SLTP
Arrival Date: March 6                 
Others: USA Feb 28 to March 6

Contrary to popular theories, this group is a minority. There are 16 imported cases with half of them from Indonesia. most of the visitors from Indonesia were seen to purposely visiting Singapore for treatment of COVID-19. Since March 7, Singapore has removed free treatment for short term visitors. In addition, from March 16, Singapore has imposed added requirements from visitors from ASEAN. As a result, we do anticipate this group to be significantly reduced. Omitting Indonesians from the list , there are only 8 imported cases over the past 12 days from visitors. Even with the absence of lockdown, there are no major spikes in numbers of confirmed cases from new visitors.

It is also noted that the new cases were detected early thus limiting  the exposure to locals. 

Read:  Singapore's Border Control to expand to ASEAN, Japna, UK and Switzerland

61 Case 136: Male 36 Italian
Arrival Date: March 1                 
Others: Travelled to US Feb 7-22, Italy Feb 23 to Feb 29

62 Case 154: Male 52 British National
Arrival Date: March 6              
Date of Symptoms: NA
Others: Switzerland Feb 26 to Feb 28, UK Feb 29 to March 5

63 Case  176 Female 37 British National
Arrival Date:    March 8             
Date of Symptoms:  March 7 (UK)
Others: Japan Feb 24- March 4, UK March 4-8

64 Case 226 Male 64 Dutch
Arrival Date:  March 13   
Date of Symptoms:  March 12
Others : Netherlands Feb 29- March 13

65 Case 238 Female 83 Belgium 
Arrival Date:  March 6       
Date of Symptoms:  March 14
Others: Belgium

66 Case 192 Male 32 USA
Arrival Date:  March 10         
Others: Arrive from the USA

67 Case 258 Male 47 Indian
Arrival Date:  March 15    
Others: Europe Feb 9- March 15

68 Case 147: Male  64 Indonesian
Arrival Date: March 7                
Date of Symptoms:  March 3
Others: Arrived from Indonesia

69 Case 152: Male 65 Indonesia
Arrival Date: March 7               
Date of Symptoms:  Feb 28
Others: Arrive from Indonesia

70 Case 170 Female 56 Indonesian
Arrival Date:    March 9              
Date of Symptoms:  March 6
Related Cases: 152 (Family Member)
Others: Arrive from Indonesia

71 Case 181 Male 83 Indonesia
Arrival Date: March 9             
Date of Symptoms:  March 8
Related Cases: 182
Others: Arrive from Indonesia

72 Case  182 Female 76 Indonesia
Arrival Date: March 9             
Related Cases: 181
Others: Arrive from Indonesia

73  Case 212 Male 64 Indonesia 
Others: Arrive from Indonesia

74 Case 246 Male Canadian National
Arrival Date: March 7      
Date of Symptoms:  March 9
Others: Japan Feb 23 - March 7

75 Case 262 Female 20 Indonesian
Arrival Date:  March 14    
Others: US Jan- March 16

76 Case 264 Female 41 Indonesian
Arrival Date:  March 16   
Others: Arrive From Indonesia
Status: NCID

What Happens Next?
The added restrictions introduced would likely curb the imported cases especially those from ASEAN. Nonetheless, loopholes remain for parts of Europe and the USA. There would always be those who would take the risk regardless because they feel entitled to do so. Winning against the virus is a collective effort. It only takes one selfish individual to break down the defence for the nation to restart its effort.

Don't be the one.

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